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American Legion of Indiana Seeks Medical Marijuana Legalization

Cannabis Indiana

Veterans in Indiana are fighting for their right to use medical marijuana to treat PTSD and other medical conditions obtained while serving the country. Next week, the American Legion Department of Indiana is going to vote on a resolution to the issue. Jeff Staker submitted the resolution to Kokomo’s American Legion Post 6. Staker’s campaign for medical marijuana for veterans began in July 2016, through his non-profit organization Hoosier Veterans for Medical Cannabis.

The members of the Kokomo Post 6 voted unanimously for the resolution, according to Kokomo Tribune. Following this approval, American Legion District 5 also approved the resolution. These two approvals clear the path for the American Legion Department of Indiana to vote, which will take place on January 13.

In a 2016 interview, Staker said, “Who’s going to get this done? Veterans have a better chance of being at the tip of the spear than Joe civilian. Legislators listen to veterans. We’ve got to get their attention and who better to do that than veterans?”

In August, the American Legion specifically requested licensing of privately funded medical marijuana production for marijuana research from the DEA.

Staker said, “We needed to do something here at the state level. I’ve been talking to a lot of American Legion posts and they all said, ‘We’re all for it.’”

Staker is optimistic that the resolution will pass. He’s also hopeful that state lawmakers will consider legalizing medical marijuana.

He said, “I think it’s going to pass, because I see this as a trend throughout the U.S. This is an issue that if Hoosier voters would have put on the ballot, it would have passed in November. No doubt in my mind.”

Staker has sent informational packets to all 150 state legislatures about the medical benefits of marijuana.

He closed his comments with, “We’re trying to open up the eyes of our politicians. If they don’t see the support out there, they’ve got their heads in the sand.”