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Indiana Senator Jean Leising Files ‘Cannabis for Kids’ Bill

Ganja Indiana

Senate Agriculture Committee Chair Jean Leising recently submitted medical marijuana bill. A second medical marijuana bill was submitted by State Representative Sue Errington.

Senate Bill 72, the ‘Cannabis for Kids’ campaign was introduced by Leising, according to Indy Star. The bill would allow the use of CBD oil for children with seizure disorders. It would also make physicians conducting clinical trials on CBD effectiveness in treating seizure disorders immune from prosecution.

Errington supports Leising’s bill, by saying it is “a good step.”

Due to the national attention, and reports of success with CBD oil for treating seizures in children, the initiative is likely to gain attention. CBD oil was recently made illegal by the DEA, saying that it is illegal because it is derived from the cannabis plant. The FDA and DEA gave an Indiana doctor permission to conduct a study regarding adolescent patients and their response to CBD oil for seizure treatment.

However, the Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys Council disagrees. They believe that making CBD oil legal for limited medical use would cause problems.

Errington said, “I think it’s just a first step, because there are a lot of other conditions that could be helped. I mean the pain of cancer, glaucoma, hepatitis C, Crohn’s disease, Alzheimer’s, PTSD. Veterans organizations have really come out strong for their medical marijuana bill because of the implications for treating PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). I think it’s important to keep the issue in front of the Legislature and the public because there is popular support for it.”

She conducted a survey of her constituents and found that there is more support for medical marijuana than Sunday alcohol sales. This is a step in the right direction for Indiana.